Manipulation In School




Any brother or sister that went through white America’s
programmed schools should know what I’m talking about
when I say black students are being manipulated.

Why was school such a drag? Did you remember what you
learned or was it just a day by day game of memory?

There is one very important factor in the process of
learning that blacks must become aware of; this factor is

Why do many black students lack this motivation? Are we
just biologically unable to compete with white America; or is
it in reality a white educational conspiracy to keep black
people down.

The white south made this conspiracy known as early as the
1870’s by saying, “Formal education is ruining our niggers”,
“they’re becoming to uppity”.

The late 1870’s was the beginning of white America’s drive
to kill black motivation at all costs.

They decided the best way to mess up our minds would be
to print lies in the history books to promote their ideal of
white supremacy and black inferiority.

They made sure they wouldn’t tell you that Beethoven was
a black man or that Toussaint L’Ouverture (A black man)
defeated Napoleon’s army on the island of Haiti; and their
certainly not going to tell you that due to Napoleon’s defeat
he was forced to sell Louisiana to the United States.

Yeah, thats’ right, if it weren’t for Toussaint’s victory the
chances are France would still have possession of Louisiana.

You didn’t really think that they would endanger their false
economic security by telling us the truth about both black and
white history.

Why do you think they keep fighting to keep black studies
out of the schools? If black studies had been in the schools at

the turn of the century the revolution would have been over
years ago.

So when you let them kill your “Motivation” in school or
anywhere else you are in essence killing your own liberation.

In 1901 Cole L. Blease a South Carolina democrate sumed
up white America’s feelings thusly, “Whenever the
Constitution comes between me and the virtue of the white
women of the south, I say to hell with the constitution”;
(Which meant to secure his property, human or otherwise by

manipulating the institutions to bring about the desired
controls over black people).

This statement tells the sick and unholy truth about white
America. White America will never lose the “Civil rights war’
as long as we continue to sit on our rear ends and talk about
that “Pie in the sky”, called, “Equality”.

Let us forget about social integration and start working
toward economic integration and self-help.

You brothers and sisters must realize that this is a very
serious situation and the time for shucking and jiv’in is over.

You must learn how to utilize the system to its best

advantage, and not let the system use you in destroying your

When I see you standing on the corner stoned out of your
mind on “Red devils” don’t talk that B.S. to me or any other
brother about the white man is this, or the white man did that
– because “Red devils” are not a part of black awareness and

They call that, “Falling for white America’s stereotype, and
hating yourself in the process”

A Red Devil won’t let you deal with white America, but
will sure as hell help white America deal with you.

We sometimes talk about white America for the simple
reason that we’re too lazy or depressed to get up off our rear
ends and do things for ourself.

White America knocks you on your ass every day, and you
do nothing about it – how can you accept this and still call
yourself a man.

I believe the reason many brothers don’t dig school is
because there is nothing there that relates to them. They teach
you superficial white orientated education, when they should
be teaching you “Grassroot” survival education.

I didn’t dig it when I was in high school or junior high
school either. It was all just a game to make the black students
lose interest in themselves and school.

We should understand and fight this game. Both parents
and students will have to unite against the administration to
ensure a relevent education that would give black students a
valid reason for going to school.

Kids don’t drop out of school for the hell of it; they drop
out because they can see through the education system for
what it really is – Status quo controlled.

No child wants to learn a bunch of B.S. that has no
meaning for them. The black child finds himself torn between
two basic conflicts. First you have the parent who has a
hang-up about being black but refuses to face the truth about

So what does he do? He will undoubtedly try to instill
white American standards of education in an unaware black
child who gradually finds himself being brainwashed by both
authority figures; the school and the home.

And how about those poor parents who are following the
white “Idol” of measuring a students worth as an individual by
the kind of grades he receives.

How can you expect someone to fix the engine in a car
unless you furnish him with the engine specifications (insight)
or tools (Values) to do the job with.

To build a house one must have a foundation. We as blacks
must look below the superficiality of education. We must
constantly ask ourselves why the educational structure likes to
teach us how nice our government is, or about how the
president, vice-president, and cabinet (The surface practice of
government) interact, instead of how a democratic government
is suppose to function (The actual theory and foundation of


We must do our own research to find the answers to these
questions, and find out what we will have to do in order to
eliminate this kind of education in the future.

With a knowledge and understanding of such things white

America would be defenseless.


You see, white America always wants blacks to eat dirt,

never cake and ice cream.

The answer to our situation is a very simple one, “We must
do and learn the very things that white America wishes to keep
hidden under the trap door to their skeleton closet.

If they stick “Red Devils” in your face, tell them your hip
to their little conspiracy against blacks and that, “You would
prefer to have a library full of those books you don’t want
black people to read”.

The facts are in and the time is now! You know the game,
so why be like a cow going toward poison water.

We don’t need philosophers who live in Ivory Towers, we
need and will accept only men and women of action.

So you Negro brothers and sisters on the comer or in your
house B.S.-ing around about what you can’t do had better stay
where you are – Us black people don’t need or want you.

You’d better stay with your Negro friends and hide;
because your nothing more than a stagnant obstacle on black
America’s doorstep to freedom.


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