Divine Relationship Guidance

Divine Relationship Guidance

By: Allofus

There are four (4) simple things you can do now to attain joy and happiness in
your life as well as your relationships:
1. Find joy in the moment for what it is and not what you want it to be
2. Love yourself unconditionally in order to receive unconditional love
from others
3. Become peaceful and more prosperous in your own life by removing
the judgments that you have toward yourself and others
4. Say thank you to all the people in your relationships who are the most
difficult – they are your greatest teachers
When you live in the moment you live in reality instead of the illusion. Loving
yourself unconditionally allows you to receive unconditional love from others.
When we refuse to pass judgment on anyone, we are able to accept who they
are as a reflection of who we are. In other words, what you like and dislike
about others is what you like and dislike about yourself.
The “Relationship Pointers” below are designed to help you achieve greater
awareness and understanding of how natural laws can improve your
relationship with self and others.
• Awareness is accepting the responsibility for being the creator and
master of everything in your life, including your relationships.
• Self Reflection is a portal to discover unconditional love and passion
within you. Know and truly believe that you and your partner are mirrors
of each other being reflected in the opposite gender.
• Acceptance: knowing that everything in your world is God and that
relationships are a gift from God to expand, grow, and fine tune the
reality of the God within your own being.
• Appreciation is the recognition that you orchestrated everything in your
world as a personal movie written for the purpose of creating and re-creating the never-ending script called “your life.”
• Communication is honesty with self and others that puts integrity and
impeccability above all else.
• Commitment is the act of giving the greatest gift that you can give to
yourself and others: Respect and honor the right of each person to be
who they are or who they choose to be in any given moment.
• Compromise: knowing that everything in the universe is equal and
opposite for you and your partner. Never see anyone as less or greater
than yourself.
• Friendship is a journey that begins through unconditionally liking and
honoring yourself which in turn enables you to unconditionally like and
honor someone else.
• Faith: knowing that there are no victims in this universe and that every
lesson found in a relationship (painful or joyful) has a divine purpose
and message attached for us to see.
• Patience is the greatest lesson to learn on this planet. It helps to teach us
that there is nothing wrong with our movie (life). Simply get out the way
and resist the urge to adjust the controls on your TV set.
• Passion is something you find when you stop thinking and start feeling,
touching, and allowing yourself to be who you feel with yourself and
your partner.
• Support is a basic premise for life that begins when we put our
happiness before the happiness of others without feeling guilty or selfish
for doing so. By carrying the frequency of unconditional love within
your being you help others to see it and feel supported.
• Respect is an inside reflection that reflects outwardly. You receive
respect in your relationships when you respect and honor yourself. Other
people can only see what you believe to be true about yourself. Giving
thanks for the lessons received in all your relationships is a great way of
respecting yourself and every decision you made.
• Trust is the glue that holds everything together in all aspects of life and
relationships. Without trust you become a ship without a rudder or a car
without a steering wheel. Trust leads us to the true self within.
• Understanding: knowing that we are the only person we can ever see,
the only person we can ever truly know, and the only person we can ever
truly love. Start now to live the change that you want to see in your life
and relationships.
• Family is the closest mirror for us to see ourselves and to enhance the
God power within. Family is the grandest reflection of who we are now.
Truly honor your family and be amazed at how fast you become an
enlightened healer of self and others.
• Law of Attraction: knowing that you are the master of your destiny and
create your own reality through your thoughts. In other words: 1) You
are the goose that lays the golden eggs and the Genie in the bottle;
2) Positive thoughts produce positive results and negative thoughts
produce negative results; 3) Whatever you think, will be mirrored back
to you in your life; 4) What goes around, comes around.


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