What’s more important, black awareness or black self
commitment? First, let’s take a look at the so-called militants
in our midst. They talk black awareness, but for some reason
never get anything done. Their talk sure is beautiful, but when
it comes down to the physical aspect of doing and getting
involved to help their own so-called cause we find them back
in white America’s machine age game of talking black
awareness during the week and partying on the weekend.
They read about black history and all of a sudden they
think white America owes them something. We can learn from
our history, but lets not cry about it. The issues we must deal
with are now, not then.
Awareness and commitment go together, you can’t separate
the two. One is no good without the other. If you possess this
awareness but fail to commit yourself to your other brothers
and sisters – you, in reality, have nothing.
So, if you still believe that they are two separate words you
can only fall into the category of being white America’s
“Good Negro”; if you however see them as being “one”, I say,
you are now ready to stand up for yourself and be a man.
I am not going to be nice and make excuses anymore,
because we have been doing that far too long; you’re either
with your race and its cause or against it.
All that black history is beautiful, but, how are we utilizing
it to help us now; if we keep looking back and never ahead
we’ll always have problems – but then again, we always like to
cry about how bad the white man treats us.
Sometimes I think we cry just so we can keep on doing
nothing for ourselves and everything for our so-called masters;
who dislike us, because we dislike ourselves.
“Stop trying to be white and you’ll be alright”. Remember
Afro-American’s have a heritage much more respectable than
that of white America.
Why is it that we can read one book, “The Autobiography
of Malcolm X” for example and become an instant militant
that knows all about black history.
One book or a million books won’t make you feel and act
the way Malcolm X or Martin Luther King did for you see
they were totally committed to themselves, their identity, and
the total liberation of the black race.
Therefore, to talk is to act white, and being committed like
Malcolm becomes the reality of what it means to be black in
So, if you talk like Malcolm but refuse to live and possibly
die believing what Malcolm did, you’d better keep that
so-called black awareness to yourself.
“Black people” will not accept this false pride from you
Negroes (House nigger’s) any longer! Your time is running out!
If you don’t wish to develop your own self-reliance and
self-respect, please, stand aside and let our “Mighty race”
We have been patient long enough, we will not tolerate
your stereo-type roles any more – stop talking and start doing.
We cannot and will not be fooled by white America or its
Negro patrons.
Listen and commit yourself to the words of Marcus Garvey:
“Progress, self-respect, and self-reliance among any people will
advance them into the admiration and appreciation of the rest
of their fellows.” “It is just such a progress that the Negro
must teach to himself if he is to rise above the prejudice of the
If you can’t dig it, you need help; and, believe me, you can’t
find it with white America, because they don’t want you
So stop playing the role, if you can’t live the life!
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