Why do people believe black businessmen are unfair?
It is an erroneous and completely negative assumption to
generalize or even categorize the “validity” of “any” retail
merchant, unless we first acquire some understanding of how
such a system works. The attitude that many black people
have toward black businessman is a universal misconception
that is a direct outgrowth of slavery, and it becomes in our
mental process a negative self-inflicting “wound” that is
wielded without our conscious awareness.
All brothers struggle, all brothers and sisters are trying to
survive thats universal; these things happen not only on a
local scale, but on a global one as well. By no means and far
from it – can we claim to be the most oppressed black people
in the world; we are, on the contrary, the most well off. But
yet, even with all this wealth and so-called affluence, we can
still find time to run around and use our worn out cliche”, “A
Nigger ain’t nothing”, and without, in the process, even taking
the time to ask ourselves “why” such a cliche” exists!
What good is affluence when we as individuals, within a
racist country, have no clear cut concept or understanding of
how the American system works to bring about these
misconceptions. We all have a basic fault – that must be
checked – of criticizing and condemning, without knowing
the facts (No concrete reason for our attitude, we do it
because he is black). Economic’s is one thing, but economics
for the black man (any oppressed group of people) in America
is a different book, that must be read, and-understood.
Looking at ourselves in true perspective!
Black businessmen are attacked by the same forces that
attack all black people. Black businessmen or any black person
in America should not have any special classification or
connotation – we are all victims! Therefore it becomes very
petty and irrelevant to talk about or use cumbersome cliches’.
To point out the invalidity or false dealings of a black
businessmen, becomes, in reality, the squibbling and
squabbling over the invalidity of “ourselves”. To ask “why” a
black businessman charges more than a white businessman for
a given item, is like asking “why” black people who buy
homes in the same area as white people pay more for the
same house.
It therefore once again becomes senseless indeed to talk
about who is using who, and who isn’t. We must come to
realize firstly, that, all black people are oppressed in one form
or another; so whether you work 9 to 5 pm or have your own
business becomes an insignificant issue.
We all work for the same man, the same man who feeds us
those self-destructive middle-class values of dog eat dog, the
same man who divides us, the same man who teaches us to
dislike our own people and ourselves, the man, the man whom
we let kill us, the man, the man, the man, the man who will
lead to our destruction.
I will explain some facts and some internal functionings of
retail business next week in Part II of “Business and
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