Last week we discussed the fact that African’s who are now
African-Americans were brought to this country to be used as
economic commodity, and at the same time to perpetuate the
image-through the slave trade of Black people being sub
human. Through this understanding we found that Africans
were used as the physical backbone for an enormous business
venture launched by Europe in the midst of social, economic,
and political decadence.
During the early periods, the Africans were in physical
bondage; today we find that the same African – now an
African-American – in mental bondage; which we find to be a
much more disastrous evil. At the time of physical bondage we
found the white man committing physical and mental
genocide upon the African-American, and today, after being
psyched into believing we’re free, we find the African-American
committing genocide upon himself. They took the chains off
our ankles, because they realized that we still have chains
around our minds.
What has changed for the African-American since the so
called Emancipation Proclamation? We are still being used as a
commodity! Last hired, and first fired! We are helping the very
“culture complex” that was built to destroy African (Black
Man) pride and affinity. We will if we don’t move now, go
down in history as the only people unaware and conditioned
enough to commit self-genocide.
Self-genocide can be committed in many ways
Self-genocide is committed when a group with the same
cultural affinity as another group (African people) alienate
from one another. We commit self-genocide when we fail to
accept our true cultural heritage, (Africa), and the knowledge,
belief, art, morals, law, customs, and any other capabilities
which are a part of that heritage. We commit self-genocide
when we let ourselves go along with white America’s racist
program that has been keeping us Static for 350 years.
We commit self-genocide when we play the divide and
conquer game for the white man against our own
African-American people. We commit self-genocide when we
neglect to do reading and research about ourselves to find out
things, such as, white European’s studied in African
universities and acquired much scientific knowledge about the
universe from African scholars and philosophers. We commit
self-genocide when we believe that the African people needed
the European to survive, when it was-in reality the European
who needed the African.
We commit self-genocide when we accept, perpetuate, and
force ourselves to identify with a European-American pseudo
culture; a pseudo culture that gives us great promises and
comprimises, but never any meaningful results for the masses
of African-Americans. We are committing self-genocide when
we accept the words Negro and colored, etc. as an ethnic
We commit self-genocide when we let the
European-American (white America) condition our minds to
the point where he can sit back and watch us destroy ourselves
just as he now finds himself being destroyed, by that very
‘circle” he himself initiated.
It is a proven fact, that, without an emotion of
physically identifiable cultural affinity and/or heritage it
becomes impossible to perpetuate any given ethnic group.
The Jewish people in this country give economic aide by
supporting Israel in the Arab-Israel war, thereby helping Israel
which in turn makes the Jews in
become a stronger nation
this country a stronger social entity. This must also be the role
of the African-American. We must work for the growth of our
original culture and country, and not – which we are now
doing – work toward its stagnation.
We have been working to be white; to accept and condone
white values; we have been working for the liberation of white
America, and not for the true liberation of ourselves and our
black brothers throughout the world. What we don’t seem to
realize, is that, we are helping the racist institution – by
accepting their values and mode of living – who intended,
from the beginning, to make Black inferior to white.
African-American’s in the United States will not be free until
our mother country (Africa) is free and independent of
colonial domination and exploitation; because we are all a part
of that “Complex cultural whole”; and whatever happens to
African’s affects African-American’s and visa versa. We must
identify with the continent of Africa as a whole the country
or nation-state is irrelevant; we are all Black, and we are all
oppressed; that is the only criteria necessary for fusion.
We are here for the same reason the European-American is
here. We must be as they are, the technological satellite for our
mother country. The European-American in the United States
is said to be the most technologically advanced white on the
planet earth; if that is true, the African-American must be the
most technologically advanced black on this planet. Why don’t
we use this technology to help our African brothers, rather
than for the success of our white oppressor’s.
With the vast knowledge that black people have in this
country we must create our own system, that will counteract
the “institutionalized racism” confronting us every day; we
must have our own cultural affinity and identity, and not
accept false concepts or stigma’s directed toward our people,
without first, researching the matter in question. White
America forced us into a cultural situation that was not our’s
by choice; they made us what they wanted us to be
commodity used to perpetuate a European “Culture complex”
a commodity that we must refuse to be any longer.
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