Head Vs Heart


By: Allofus
Everyone is on a different path which means they learn in different ways. The key
is to respect everyone’s right to choose their own journey. In truth, there is no
good or bad, right or wrong journey. Every person is their own law-giver and will
get back what they put out in thought/consciousness. In other words, there is no
free lunch in the universe … as above, so below, as within, as without. You just
keep falling down and getting back up until you realize that you’re the one who’s
creating the falling down and the getting back up. The universe/spirit/God doesn’t
really care how long it takes for you to figure it out … the creator is neutral and
non-judgmental. Plus, there’s no death and everyone’s doing the best they can in
this moment … whatever that is. Only you know if you’re coming from the heart
or from your head because nobody can see from behind your eyes but you. In
truth, there is not an atom or a molecule out of place in the entire universe at this
moment which means that everything is happening exactly the way it’s supposed
to happen. That’s why all the great spiritual teachers and books tell us not to look
back because you will turn to salt or stone. This means that your consciousness
will be frozen in time and you’ll be unable to enjoy the moment and/or move
forward. In my view, we should only do those things that bring us joy. When you
choose to do things that don’t bring you joy, you have ask yourself why are you
doing it, and who are you doing it for, if not for you?


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