Mirrors Of Compassion

Mirrors of Compassion


By: Safeer Mahdi

Everyone we attract into our space is a mirror reflection of who we are in this moment. What we like and dislike about another is what we like and dislike about ourselves. How can you know hot if you don’t know cold? How could you recognize it in another without recognizing it in yourself? You don’t gain this knowledge about yourself from reading a book (someone else’s truth). You gain knowledge, wisdom, and understanding through experiencing life to its fullest and in all aspects.

Having compassion and being unconditional when I see myself in another doesn’t mean that I have to make the choice to be in a personal relationship with that person. I truly love for my Brother and Sister what I love for myself. When you understand natural law you know that if I take an eye, I lose my own eye. Everyone in my life is here because I requested them to be here to help me fine tune the image/knowingness of myself. They are my teachers and I honor them and accept the responsibility for them being in my life for whatever reason or lesson they have come to share with me. 

They are my teacher/student and I am their teacher/student – everything in the universe is equal and opposite. In other words, there are no victims in this universe; we create our own moments in this moment. What we think in consciousness is immediately mirrored back to us in our life. When you judge someone, you are really judging yourself. So as a natural consequence, you become the judgment. The key to mastery of self is turning the other cheek, no matter what another person says or does to you. In other words, if I am an abusive Parent to my child in this life, I will come back in another life (moment) as a child and have an abusive parent (I must trade places because I judged myself when I was the parent). There really is no right or wrong, good or bad – just choices (free will) we make as the God of our universe. 

Does this make sense to you? Whatever we put out in thought will be mirrored back in the moment we think it – no free lunches in this universe. What goes around comes around. We reap what we sow. As above so below. As within as without. The kingdom of God is within you. 

There are many ways of saying it, but it all adds up to the same thing. The universe is always in balance – no one is a victim of anyone else. As I honor the reflection of myself that I see in others, I will always have a peaceful and blessed life. You cannot save another person from themselves or the lessons they have chosen to experience in this life. Simply respect their right to go through it – just for the lesson.


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